Elisha was born into a polygamous family in which his father had 3 wives. His father was abusive and violent. Elisha suffered from multiple injuries and bruises at the hands of his father. His mother was emotionally abusive to him as well. He ran away to escape the pain and lived on the streets of Kitale for three years.

Thankfully, the Lord connected Elisha to Milele, where he received the necessary care to heal and reintegrate into primary school. After successfully completing his studies, he pursued his passion for becoming an Automotive Engineer by enrolling in a vocational school. Currently, Elisha is making excellent progress in trade school while receiving continuous support from our team. His supervisor has high hopes for his future as a mechanic and is confident that he will soon secure a full-time job. Upon his employment, Elisha will be among the first Milele students to secure full-time employment in their field of study. He is thriving in church where he loves to dance and serve as an usher.

We are thankful to report that after multiple rounds of counseling, Elisha and his mother have been REUNITED and have a new relationship! Elisha loves going home to spend time with his mom and nieces and nephews. Your support reunites and heals broken families.

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